Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

tempat karaoke

In Indonesia , tempat karaoke was originally seen as an expensive entertainment and evening entertainment is seen as a negative connotation to most people . With the passage of time , the negative outlook is becoming increasingly faded even disappear altogether in the present . like mushrooms in the rainy season a karaoke place that classifies itself as a rapidly growing family karaoke . This is a clear evidence that the karaoke place has been regarded as a form of entertainment that is needed and desired by the people of Indonesia .

 One of the most luxurious tempat karaoke , cheapest , teramah is Hello fktv . A family karaoke located in the lobby level of the hotel Merapi Merbabu , road Seturan Kingdom of Jogjakarta is a new family karaoke karaoke is a local chain , which opened the first branch in Yogyakarta , and will soon spread throughout the island of Java and Indonesia . Hello fktv featuring luxurious interior concept , the concept of service that is fun and enjoyable , familiarity and warmth of the staff supported the five-star quality service . Hello fktv determined in the next 5 years will be the 3 best large family karaoke in Indonesia . Hello fktv has several advantages . Among them is the size of the room / room , for example, small room can accommodate 6 people , places similar if small room usually only get to 4 or even 2 people. This larger room price is relatively the same as the others

Minggu, 24 November 2013


Endurance  is a condition that is showed continuous work capacity. Interpreted same as physical fitness is the ability of someone to complete everyday tasks without experiencing significant fatigue. Cardiorespiratory endurance is a main factor in physical fitness. Measurement of cardiorespiratory endurance for aerobic capacity can be done by measuring the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max).
To see if there are differences of endurance level between personality type A male and personality type B male.
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A total of 60 research subjects who previously had been filtered through a questionnaire consist of 30 male with personality type A and 30 male with personality type B. The endurance level was measured by assessing the value of VO2max indirectly with Astrand 6 minutes cycle test method. Independent sample t test was used to see differences VO2max values between male type A personality type B personality.

Results showed the mean value of VO2max in the group personality type A male is 31.8393 ± 2.14534 ml/ kg/ min and the mean value of VO2max in the group personality type B is 36.3470 ± 3.15498 ml/ kg /min. Found significant differences between personality type A male and personality type B male (p = 0.000).
In conclusion there are different levels of endurance between personality type A male and personality type B male. Male with personality type A have lower levels of endurance than male with personality type B.SimaBaca secara fonetik
Keywords: endurance, VO2max, personality type A and B

The Relationship between Egg Allergen Sensitization and Severity of Allergic Rhinitis in Children


Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease mostly in children, impact on 40% children. The effect in children include disturbance in learning, playing, difficult to concentrate, activity limitation and sleep disturbance. Various inhalant allergen in environment have been known to influence severity of clinic manifestation of allergic rhinitis, but minimal research that discuss about relationship food allergen especially egg. The aim of the research is to know the relationship between egg allergen sensitization and severity of allergic rhinitis in children.
Research design is analytic observational cross sectional. Research subject is 6-12 years old children. We get 35 subjects positive allergic rhinitis and 3 subjects positive sensitized egg allergen. The severity of allergic rhinitis is determined by questionnaires with skin prick test as a confirmation. Skin prick test also use to know whether sample is sensitized bye egg allergen or not.
The result is analyzed by chi square test. We get the significance is P (sig)=0,100, it means that there is no correlation between egg allergen sensitization and severity of allergic rhinitis in children because P>0,05. Based on the result we conclude that egg allergen sensitization doesn’t correlate to severity allergic rhinitis, so the children can be free to consume the egg.

Key word : Allergic Rhinitis, Egg Allergen Sensitization, Severity of Allergic Rhinitis


People awareness to live a healthy lifestyle is getting higher. Doing exercise considered as a trend in our society. Our Society has recognized the positive effect from doing regular exercise. Exercise for health needs a right measurement because not every exercise will give positive effect to our body. Aerobic gymnastic is one kind of recreation sport, not competition sport or achievement, so the best frequency is 5 times but less then 7 times a week. Our body needs to recover after doing exercise, so that by doing exercise one and in another day, it will give our body a chance to recover itself. High intensity exercise is suspected to influence the menstrual cycle and reproductive health. The aim of this research are to find out the differences of haemoglobin level decreasing during the menstruation, dysmenorrhea incidence, and menstrual cycle regularity on high as well as low intensity instructor.
Subjects of this research are forty aerobic instructor women who fulfil the subject criterion. The subjects are divided into two groups based on the frequency of their training activity per week namely low intensity for those who train less than or equal to seven times per week and high intensity for those who train more than seven times per week. The research employs tools in a form of questionnaire and Sahli haemoglobin measurement. After collecting the data of each variable, it continues with statistic test using T-test and Chi Square.
The percentage of the regular menstruation cycle in a low intensity instructor is 85% and in high intensity instructor is 70%. Percentage of the dysmenorhea case in low intensity instructor is 35% and in high intensity instructor is 45%. Percentage on the decreasing of haemoglobin in low intensity instructor is 0,71 ± 0,51 gram/dl and in high intensity instructor is 0,79 ± 0,47 gram/dl.
In conclusion, this research doesn’t find any significant differences related to the menstrual cycle regularity, frequency of dysmenorrhea incident and the decreasing of haemoglobin level during the menstruation period between the high intensity instructor and low intensity instructor.

The Relation between Obesity with Menarche in Female Adolescent


Background: Lipid grown on girl rapidly, stating by 15% in pre-adolescents to be 22% at adolescents phase. Fat on the body creating leptin, more peptin mean more estrogen. If there is too much estrogen there will also a lot of risk of having disease, so the relation between number of fat and menarche as an indication of adolescents are very important to know about.

Methods: This research looking for the relation between BMI, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio with onset of menarche, involving 60 participants. By using cross sectional research methods, data was found from examination and gave a questionnaire.

Results: Analysis of chi square test showed that there is a significant relation between BMI, waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio with onset of menarche, with p value are 0,020; 0,014 and 0,036 (p<0,05).

Conclusions: These result showed that there is a significant relation between BMI, waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio with onset of menarche

Key Word: BMI, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, menarche

HDL Level in High Cholesterol Diet Rat Given Rubber Seed Tempe

One of causes coronary heart disease is hyperlipidemia. Niacin can increase High Density Lipoprotein level (HDL) that can remove atheroma, that cause coronary heart disease. Rubber seed tempe contains niacin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the increasing HDL level after given rubber seed tempe.
This study is true experiment with pretest-postest control group design as the research plan. Twenty Sprague Dawley male rat, 2 months were divided into 5 groups by randomized and given high cholesterol diet during 7 days. Negative control group was no action, positive control group was given simvastatin 0,1 mg during 10 days, 1,25 mg; 2,5 mg; 5 mg rubber seed tempe were given to research group 1, research group 2, research group 3 during 10 days. HDL level examination before and after action was done to know the increasing HDL level.
The result of One Way Anova test (p=0,000) showed statistical difference each group. The result of Paired T Test showed statistical difference (p<0,005) for positive control group, research group 1, research group 3, and showed no statistical difference for negative control group and research group 2. As a conclusion it was obvious that rubber seed tempe can increase HDL level.

KEYWORDS : Niacin, HDL, Rubber Seed Tempe