Minggu, 24 November 2013

HDL Level in High Cholesterol Diet Rat Given Rubber Seed Tempe

One of causes coronary heart disease is hyperlipidemia. Niacin can increase High Density Lipoprotein level (HDL) that can remove atheroma, that cause coronary heart disease. Rubber seed tempe contains niacin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the increasing HDL level after given rubber seed tempe.
This study is true experiment with pretest-postest control group design as the research plan. Twenty Sprague Dawley male rat, 2 months were divided into 5 groups by randomized and given high cholesterol diet during 7 days. Negative control group was no action, positive control group was given simvastatin 0,1 mg during 10 days, 1,25 mg; 2,5 mg; 5 mg rubber seed tempe were given to research group 1, research group 2, research group 3 during 10 days. HDL level examination before and after action was done to know the increasing HDL level.
The result of One Way Anova test (p=0,000) showed statistical difference each group. The result of Paired T Test showed statistical difference (p<0,005) for positive control group, research group 1, research group 3, and showed no statistical difference for negative control group and research group 2. As a conclusion it was obvious that rubber seed tempe can increase HDL level.

KEYWORDS : Niacin, HDL, Rubber Seed Tempe

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