Minggu, 24 November 2013

The Influence of ISO (International Organization For Standardization) Certificated To The Number Of Patients That Visiting community Health Center In Bantul


In connection with the maintenance and enhancement of quality community health center, a health organization implement ISO 900-2000 standard for clinical management of change in quality-oriented organization, need to demonstrate ability to meet customer needs and in accordance with existing regulations to determine the feasibility of standardizing the level of infrastructure facilities and community health centers order to establish a community health center with a good quality, so as to minimize the standard of service to this standard can be implemented in all public health centers in an effective and efficient in investigating the influence of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to the number of patient visits at health centers
The aim of this study is to determine the influence of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to the number of patient visits in the Central District Health Regency Bantul Sedayu Sedayu.
The method of this study was an observational analytic non-experimental with using the secondary data. Taking data use cross-sectional method. The sample of this study are from data of 12 months (January to December) of  the number of patient visits in general clinic, dental clinic and mother-child health in 2005 (before ISO) and in 2008 (after ISO) in a community health center Sedayu I Bantul. Then the data is processed with paired sample t-test.
The result of this study indicate that ISO (International Organization For Standardization) can increase the number of patient visit in community health centers Sedayu 1 at general clinic, dental clinic and mother-child health clinic. The number of patients visit in community health canters are increase if compared to before ISO. Depend on T-Test samples paired in general clinic, dental clinic and mother-child health there are increasing of number of patient visit significantly (p<0.05). It indicate that society get service as standard and has good enough satisfaction according to the increase of patient visit.

Keywords: Figures for patient visits, health center, ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

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