Minggu, 24 November 2013


Background : urinary tract infection can be caused by various microorganism through many kinds of risk factors. Street children’s live patterns have the risk potency.  Leucocyturia is the sign of urinary tract’s inflammation which is related to the urinary tract’s infection. The purpose of this research is to know the leucocyturia profile of the street children by evaluating the sexual behavior as risk factor.
Research design : This research use observational design with the descriptive device. The subject are the street children who live in three “ rumah singgah “ in Yogyakarta. Materials of the study are random urin test and questionare. The measurement was done in Laboratorium Kesehatan Yogyakarta.
Result : Subject research consist of 31 street children. 15 children ( 48 %) have positive history sexual contact and 6 of them ( 40 %) have more than one sexual partners. Urinalysis examination shows that two children are leucocyturia possitive. One of them has possitive sexual contact and also more than one sexual partner.
Conclusion : Prevalance of leucocyturia in street children is 6 %. 48 % of street children have history sexual contact and 40 % of them have more than one sexual partners.
 Keyword : leucocyturia, street children, sexual behaviour.

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