Minggu, 24 November 2013

The Relationship between Egg Allergen Sensitization and Severity of Allergic Rhinitis in Children


Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease mostly in children, impact on 40% children. The effect in children include disturbance in learning, playing, difficult to concentrate, activity limitation and sleep disturbance. Various inhalant allergen in environment have been known to influence severity of clinic manifestation of allergic rhinitis, but minimal research that discuss about relationship food allergen especially egg. The aim of the research is to know the relationship between egg allergen sensitization and severity of allergic rhinitis in children.
Research design is analytic observational cross sectional. Research subject is 6-12 years old children. We get 35 subjects positive allergic rhinitis and 3 subjects positive sensitized egg allergen. The severity of allergic rhinitis is determined by questionnaires with skin prick test as a confirmation. Skin prick test also use to know whether sample is sensitized bye egg allergen or not.
The result is analyzed by chi square test. We get the significance is P (sig)=0,100, it means that there is no correlation between egg allergen sensitization and severity of allergic rhinitis in children because P>0,05. Based on the result we conclude that egg allergen sensitization doesn’t correlate to severity allergic rhinitis, so the children can be free to consume the egg.

Key word : Allergic Rhinitis, Egg Allergen Sensitization, Severity of Allergic Rhinitis

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