Minggu, 24 November 2013

The Risk Factor Profile Comparison Between Young Age and Elderly Stroke Patient


          Stroke remain a serious health problem and become the third leading causes of death in the world. Stroke is one of the causes of death and disability in Indonesia, and nowadays Indonesia has the highest number of stroke incident in Asia. Stroke characteristics that attack all age, including young and elderly require a definite attention especially in primary prevention aspect.
            This research is done in order to know the risk factor that has a role in causing stroke at young and elderly people, also to learn and understand the role differences of risk factor toward stroke incidence at young and elderly people.
This research is an analytic observational with cross sectional approach. Sample of this research is 77 stroke patients who ever being hospitalized in neurology ward at RS.PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Sample then splitted into 2 group of age, which is young (<45 years) and elderly (>60 years). Sample chosen with consecutive sampling method. The research is done by observing the patient medical record, and noted the presence of risk factors such as gender, type of stroke which is infarct and hemorrhagic stroke, history of stoke in family, history of prior stroke, history of TIA, history of heart disease, blood pressure, history of hypertension, history of smoking, blood glucose concentration, history of DM, total cholesterol number, and triglyceride number.
The data is analyze by both descriptive with cross-tab and analytic with T test and Mann Whitney. The result of descriptive test is that risk factor profile that has higher distribution in young age is being male, stroke hemorrhagic type, history of stroke in family, normal blood pressure (normotension), grade-2 hypertension, history of smoking, increasing level of blood glucose (DM), history of DM, increasing of total cholesterol number, also both lowering and increasing of triglyceride number. Risk factor profile that has higher distribution at elderly people is being woman, stroke infarct type, prior history of stroke, history of TIA, history of heart disease, increasing blood pressure (hypertension), history of hypertension, grade-1 hypertension, grade-3 hypertension, normal blood glucose, normal total cholesterol number, and normal triglyceride number. The result of analytic test shows that there are any role differences of risk factor history of stroke in family, prior history of stroke, history of diabetes mellitus, and hypertension condition in causing stroke for young and elderly age. It found that history of stroke in family and history of diabetes mellitus has a bigger role in young age. In the other side, history of prior stroke and hypertension condition has a bigger role in elderly.
Keywords : stroke, risk factor, young, elderly

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